Our Hive just got so much SWEETER
We are honored to present you with an app that will give you an easier and more stable Busy Bees experience. We hope the new functionality helps keep life simple for you and your family.
Buzz through a few easy steps and you’ll BEE up and running!
Step: 2
Please click login

Step: 3
Simply, tap the “Migrate My Account” button on the next screen.

Step: 4
Enter the email address you used to log into our old app.

Step: 5
Check that email account to set up your new password.

Step: 6
Log in with the new password.

Step: 7
Lastly, begin your all-new profile!

Your new app will BEE buzzin’ in these four easy steps and we are here to support you every step of the way. We cannot wait for you to experience the fresh interface of Busy Bees.
To join the hive, you just need to download the Busy Bees app and go through the easy step by step instructions!
We look forward to connecting with you soon!